A Jot From John

The works of Jesus Christ may be divided into two classes: The finished and unfinished work. In prayer he said, “I have glorified thee on the earth, having accomplished the work which thou hast given me to do.” (John 17:4). This, of course was, the work that God had sent him to this earth to accomplish. This, he did. While upon the earth he glorified the Father; he revealed God’s word, confirming it with signs and wonders. This proved to be a great task, but the Lord “doeth all things well.”

 Then came the day of atonement, his appointment with death. Though Satan seemed to be winning, Christ finished God’s work, making this day the greatest in the history of man. When he came forth from the grave, he brought life and immortality to light. He then ascended to the right hand of God. The many witnesses of our Lord’s work here on earth, both before and after his resurrection, are believed by every rational man who has examined the evidence.

 His work with his apostolic ministry was finished on the earth when the last apostle died. He inspired “them to speak the truth.” Whatsoever word he had spoken unto them, the Holy Spirit brought again to their remembrance and confirmed with signs following. (Mark 16:20). Some of the unfinished work of Jesus is being accomplished by his servants who go forth in obedience to the great commission he gave. (Matt. 28:18-20).

 As if this were not enough to keep Jesus busy, we find another great task confronting him. He is King, ruling over his kingdom. (Col. 1:13). And his reign must continue until the last enemy, which is death, shall be destroyed. Then his kingdom will be delivered up to the Father. (1 Cor. 15:24-26). Someday Jesus will call and all that are in the graves shall come forth. They shall come before him for judgment; he will reward the faithful and punish the wicked. What a great responsibility that will be!

 Also, he “careth for you.” Taking care of all the churches is a tremendous task alone. What man can do it? The apostle Paul attempted to help many churches, but could not help all. Could any man care for all the Christians or perform any one of these great duties with which Christ is entrusted or prepare mansions for us in the Father’s house?

 Jesus said, “My Father worketh even until now, and I work.” He has been working with the Father from eternity and will be working with the Father to eternity. He is trustworthy, capable, efficient, kind and just. We should be happy to work with him in some of his unfinished work. There is much to do! We can help!! 

 John B. Daniels, Associate Minister


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