A Jot from John
Peter said in Acts 11:15: “And as I began to speak the Holy Spirit fell on them even as on us at the beginning.” Peter, of course, was comparing the events of the conversion of Cornelius with the conversion with the three thousand on the day of Pentecost. He referred to Pentecost as “the beginning.” The question, “the beginning of what?”, is in order. The fact is that Pentecost marked the beginning of several things upon the earth.
Pentecost was the beginning of the New Testament order. Colossians 2:14 states that the old law was nailed to the cross, or abolished, when Christ died. Peter, in Acts 2:33, stated that Christ was raised from the dead and that he is now seated on the right hand of God, thereby indicating his position as Lord and Christ. After Christ’s death, burial, resurrection, and his ascension to the throne in heaven; Christ began his reign as King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Pentecost was the day on which Christ’s reign began.
Pentecost was the beginning of the New Testament church. Up to this day the church was spoken of as something to be established in the future. On this day the church was spoken of as being in existence. After this the New Testament speaks of the church as having been in existence.
Pentecost was the beginning of world-wide obedience to the Great Commission. Until this day the apostles did not have the miraculous power endowed upon them by the Holy Spirit. They were weak doubters, afraid to speak out for the Lord. After this day their whole countenance was changed. They went forth enthusiastically and boldly proclaiming the Gospel. Their preaching carried the Gospel to the whole world in a few short years.
Pentecost was the beginning of full Gospel preaching. Until that Pentecost day, the full story of the death, burial, resurrection, and reign of Christ could not be proclaimed in its complete form, but from that day onward it was preached with power.
Pentecost was the beginning of the operation of the Holy Spirit through the apostles in the work of conversion. Jesus had promised that another comforter would come when he went away and that the other comforter would guide them into all truth and bring to their remembrance whatsoever things he had taught them. (John 14:26.) From that day forward, the apostles could perform miracles and lay hands on others and thus confer gifts of the Spirit upon them. The Spirit guided them in the preaching and writing of the word of God. Through the “foolishness of preaching” God saved people in the first century, and today men are led to believe by hearing the same word of God that the Spirit directed the disciples to write.
Onward Rejoicing, John B. Daniels, Associate Minister