A Jot From John

 “25 See that ye refuse not him that speaketh. For if they escaped not who refused him that spake on earth, much more shall not we escape, if we turn away from him that speaketh from heaven:” (Heb. 12:25.)

 He (Christ) speaks from heaven—

1.      Because he reigns on his throne in heaven.

(a) He was promised the throne of David, which is now in heaven. (Luke
      1:32; Heb. 1:8; Acts 7:49.)

(b) He was raised up to sit on his throne in heaven. (Acts 2:30-36; Heb.

2.      Through the gospel to men on earth.

(a)  It is thus that the world-wide commission is expedited. (Mark 16:15-16.)

(b)  It is thus that lost men are sought and saved. (Acts 2:22-41.)

(c)   It is thus that the kingdom of Christ is extended. (Dan. 2:44; Col. 1:13; Rev. 1:6; 6:1-2.)

3.      To all who labor and are heaven laden, inviting to rest. (Matt. 11:28-30.)

4.      To the dead in sin, that they may hear and live. (John 5:25.)

5.      To the unbeliever, and urges him to accept “the record God gave of his Son.” (Mark 16:16.)

6.      To the undecided and commands him to repent and turn. (Acts 2:38; 17:30.)

7.      To the penitent believer and instructs him to be baptized for the remission of sins.(Acts 2:38; 22:16.)

8.      To the new-born Christian, to offer him the sincere milk of the word for growth and service. (1 Peter 2:2.)

9.      To the seasoned soldier, encouraging him to fight the good fight of faith. (1 Tim. 6:12; Rev. 2:10.)

10. To the faithful pilgrim, and promised him the crown of eternal life in the heavenly home. (Rev 2:10; Mark 10:30.)

11. To the persistent rebel and warns him of the wrath to come. (2 Thess. 1:8-9.)

 Onward Rejoicing,

John B. Daniels, Associate Minister


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