A Jot From John,
At times men and women want to lie down and go no further because they lose the truth of watching. “Watch therefore, for ye know not the day nor the hour. . .” (Matt. 25:13). Awake, my dear Christian friend if you are asleep, for there is an expectant future, a future which holds many pleasant surprises.
Man lives one sort of life if he has no anticipation of the future, and another kind of life if he eagerly anticipates the future – if he is watching. The very nature of the Gospel is to hold up the future and its meaning for the Christian. If life is a dull and faded thing for you, it may be you have ceased to watch as our Lord says.
Life could have a greater meaning to many at Saint Andrew’s Road if they are learning to watch. As they learn to watch, they think less of the past and present and more of the future. The coming of Christ to judge the world comes into focus as we peer into the future. And what an impact this truth does have upon our souls. The Apostles and early Christians lived under the power of Christ’s returning, and what a zest and tang they did find in life! Said Peter, “Seeing that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness, looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God?” (2 Peter 3:11).
We note that many in life look forward to things of this world regarding the future. And this is good, but blessed are those eyes that are seeing not only a year ahead, but into the very presence of God itself, and what it may mean to be with Him when they die. How important is it my friends, to come faithfully to Bible study on Sunday morning, to the worship, to the Sunday evening and Wednesday services and train yourself in watching, in looking into the future. Your life will be mightily blessed by so doing. Shutting yourself up to the present and past will mean a loss of life and all the future holds for the faithful in Christ.
Onward Rejoicing,
John B. Daniels, Associate Minister