A Jot From John,

God is the maker of “the heavens and the earth and the sea, and all that in them is” (Acts 14:15). We are His offspring; He is the source of our life, our energy, our very existence (Acts 17:25-28). We live in His world and feast on His bounty (James 1:17; 1 Tim. 6:17). Upon us He has bestowed infinite compassion (1 John 3:1). Unto Him we must answer in judgment (Romans 14:12). If we are loyal and loving unto the end, we shall live with Him forever (Psalm 23:6).

We should, therefore, love Him (1 John 4:19). With an undivided affection we should love Him (Text). He will allow no rival with Him in our affection (1 John 5:21). Though He loves a broken heart, a divided heart He hates (Psalm 34:18; Rev. 3:15-16, 19).

In our solitary moments, as we ponder life’s supreme obligation, we often ask ourselves: “Do we really love the Lord? Do we give Him the devotion that is due?” We contend that the correct answer to this question can be found: for there are some rules by which our love may be tested. Therefore, let us test ourselves. 

First Test. We seek the presence of the person we sincerely love. Do we desire to be where God is? Do we delight to be in His presence? Do we seek His fellowship? (Matt. 18:20; Psa. 122:1; Heb. 10:25; Acts 2:46).

Second Test. We present gifts to the person we love. Do we present gifts to our God? or do we offer Him the crumbs? (Rom. 12:1; 2 Cor. 8:7; Mal 3:8).

Third Test. We often converse with the person we love—we talk to him, we listen to him. Do we converse with our heavenly Father? Do we talk to Him? (Luke 18:1). Do we listen to His words? (Psalm 1:1-2).

Fourth Test. It affords us a great measure of joy to eat and to drink with the person we love; we earnestly seek opportunity to do so. Do we always avail ourselves the opportunity of communing with the Lord? To set at His table, and eat with Him and drink with Him? (Luke 22:29-30; Matt. 26:29).

Fifth Test. When we love a person, we also love those who are near and dear to him. Do we love God’s children? (1 John 4:11, 20-21).

Sixth Test. In all things we endeavor to please the person we love. Are we doing our best to please God? (John 14:15; 15:14; Psalm 40:8). In our daily lives, are we trying to live as He wants us to live? (James 1:27; Titus 2:11-14). 

“God so loved the world, the He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on Him should not perish, but have eternal life” (John 3:16). Beloved, if God so loved us, we ought to love Him. We ought to love Him supremely. We ought to love Him constantly. God’s great love is reaching downward to us. Is our love reaching upward to Him? Is it only when love meets love, when love responds to love, that we can be saved, that we can be joyful in life. The best thing in any person’s heart is his love. For this God is asking, seeking, striving. He knows that if He has a person’s love, He has the person!  

Onward Rejoicing,  John B. Daniels, Associate Minister


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