A Jot from John

 A farmer was walking through one of the great art galleries, and pictures of the great masters were being pointed out to him. He was told that one of the pictures had been purchased as the original for thousands of dollars. He replied, “Why, I could paint all the fences on my farm for one-tenth of that?” Standing there before the painting of a master, thinking of whitewashing fences on the farm! How often do we stand in the presence of the symbol of the shed blood of Christ, and think of trivial things? When we speak of the money spent each year in mission work do we think at the same time of all the things the money could be spent for otherwise? When we give as the Lords prospered us on the Lord’s Day, do we, as we drop our offering into the lock boxes in our foyers, think of what we could have bought for ourselves with it? So many miss the real blessing the Lord has in store for them by not being spiritually able to discern spiritual values. Too many think only in terms of earthly values. How much is a thing worth in dollars and cents? Friends, when the work of the Lord is done we do not compare the results with what it costs. Things of this life are so insignificant when compared to things that weigh with eternal value. So many can’t enjoy the Christian life for thinking about what it costs them. Many can’t go out and eat a good, square meal and enjoy it for thinking about the check that will soon be presented. It is so easy to judge everybody and everything by our own standards. And, so often our standards are wrong. When the farmer saw the work of a truly great artist he could not appreciate it. He thought it a waste of money. He couldn’t see the hours and hours that had gone into it. He didn’t even think about the many nights through which the author and painter toiled without sleep. He didn’t look back and think of the man’s disappointments, deprivations, and hardships. No, all he could think about was how many times he could whitewash his fences with what the painting cost! Why do so many of us condemn things as so much waste if they do not directly benefit us? Why is mankind basically selfish at heart? We need to be able to evaluate the great material things of this life. But much more, we need to be able to properly evaluate the spiritual blessings vouchsafed unto us. What is the kingdom of God worth to us? Is it worth more than anything else in life? Jesus says it is and that it must be put first. (Matt. 6:33). What is the word of God worth to us? The word itself declares that the words of God are more precious than all earthly treasures. And that we are to seek the truth as men seek gold and silver. What is public assembly with the saints of God worth? Can we say with the psalmist, “I was glad when they said unto me, ‘let us go into the house of the Lord’?” (Psa. 122:1). Can we say again, “One day in thy courts is better than a thousand?” (Psa. 84:10). Can we say, “I’d rather be a door keeper in the house of my God than to dwell in the tents of wickedness?” Unless we can, we are not properly evaluating spiritual things. Do we yearn for fellowship with the saints of the Lord, or would we rather go selfishly on our own way? Spiritual things are of such intrinsic value – let us not reflect upon them by minimizing them. Let us forget about whitewashing our fences when we stand in the presence of Almighty God. And let us never be guilty of underselling the value of things that have been touched by the finger of the Lord!    

 John B. Daniels, Associate Minister


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